Trusted by over 1000 Organizations

“StingBox has been a game-changer in our security strategy. It traps and analyzes threats, providing invaluable insights into potential vulnerabilities. Keep up the excellent work!”

“Stingbox helps us add a layer of visibility and vigilance behind the front lines, ensuring bad actors aren’t already inside and preparing for an attack.”

"Our first priority for cybersecurity is Protection. But cyber criminals are clever. StingBox HoneyPots are a valuable tool to alert us if protection fails. StingBox enables a rapid response which is critical for recovery."

"StingBox is a small box with a tiny price, but it's so much more. In 5 minutes, we can configure notifications, adding security to all our clients' networks, from large businesses to home offices."

"StingBox performs like hardware costing 100 times the price, making it affordable for small and medium businesses. It's part of our security stack for both large cloud networks and home networks."

"Visibility into your network has never been more important. StingBox offers simple drop-in solutions without needing staff with specialty training in threat intelligence."

Detect Network Intrusions
StingBox is a simple low interaction honeypot and network intrusion alarm. If scanned or probed, StingBox alerts you and your security team to each network breach and device IP it came from. StingBox HoneyPot appears and responds to a hacker like an unsecured server. The StingBox “HackerCam” records a hacker’s keystrokes and sends a video alert. Alerts arrive via email, voice or text, configured from a single cloud based dashboard where you can monitor one or hundreds of StingBoxes.

Alerts Your Way
Tailor your defense strategy with highly customizable alerts. Receive instant notifications via SMS, email, or even a phone call. StingBox puts you in control, ensuring that you're always in the loop, ready to take action when it matters the most.

Simple Setup
Every StingBox is pre-configured. You simply plug it in and tell us how and where you want any alerts to be sent. StingBox is secured to prevent online tampering and our system alerts you if it is ever disconnected. Setup takes less than 5 minutes. Safe, Simple, Secure.

Proactively Scans & Alerts You to Open Ports on Your WAN
StingBox scans your Wide Area Network for open ports. If a new external open port is detected on your public facing network, StingBox detects and alerts you to keep your Network safe.

HackerCam: Watch the Enemy
Get an exclusive peek into potential threats with HackerCam. This feature captures a hacker's every move, providing real-time insights to empower you in proactively defending your network. Witness the action and receive an AI-generated summary of the incident, translating complex events into simple, actionable information.
HackerCam: Watch the Enemy

Get an exclusive peek into potential threats with HackerCam. This feature captures a hacker's every move, providing real-time insights to empower you in proactively defending your network. Witness the action and receive an AI-generated summary of the incident, translating complex events into simple, actionable information.

Reviews and Customer Interviews
Stingbox Virtual: Deploy in cloud, VM or Container
Stingbox is now available for virtual networks. StingBox Virtual provides all the features of our standard box version in an easy to install format. Spin up a StingBox Virtual HoneyPot in seconds. AmazonAWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure or your own Server. StingBox Virtual makes it easy to add intrusion detection to any network, Office or Cloud.

Stingbox for MSPs and MSSPs
Custom Device Branding
No network security product can provide you with more peace of mind, at such an affordable price, than a StingBox.

API, WebHooks and Syslog
Stingbox works with your security infrastructure. Full API, Webhooks, Syslog and more.