Troubleshoot Alert Issues
Solutions to Alert and Alert Delivery issues.

Alert Delivery Troubleshooting
1. Make sure you have alerts configured on your alert page and that your email / sms / phone addresses are correct
2. Alerts are sent to groups. Every group has its own alerts. Groups will not get alerts if they are not set for that group. If you have created groups, make sure that alerts coming from a StingBox in a group are matching alert methods you expect for that group. If you move a StingBox to a new group which does not have alerts set up, it will stop alerting. If you haven’t created any groups, your stingbox(es) will be in the default group.
3. Make sure that you have selected an alert inclusion severity level that matches your expectation
4. We have had some customers report that their email providers or gateways mark email from stingbox as spam. Please whitelist the domains and to ensure delivery
5. Check your spam folder for email from the domains and
6. Make sure there are alerts to send → check your alert history for your StingBox to ensure there are alerts which would be sent. If you need to trigger an alert you can do so by connecting to your StingBox on port 21 with an ssh client.. I.e. open up your command line and and type ssh root@ (replace with your StingBox’s internal IP address)