You can force StingBox to use a custom DNS server by changing a file named “resolv.txt.unset” on the SD card of your StingBox.

This file will only be on your SD card if your StingBox is running software version 1.95 or greater.

If you have an older StingBox, you can obtain this by simply connecting your StingBox to a DHCP network for 10 minutes to download and install the update.

Instructions for setting a custom DNS server on a physical StingBox can be found in the “readme.txt” file or below:

Very Important: After you change the file according to instructions below, you will need to allow StingBox to boot with the new settings you have added. Then, you must wait 10 minutes to give StingBox time to load and connect. Then you must unplug power and reboot again.

Using a text editor, edit resolv.txt.unset, save the file and rename it from resolv.txt.unset to resolv.txt

The file should only have one line in it with the nameserver you specify after the word nameserver. Like the below.
